Dynamax Entei is in Pokemon Go Max Raids and Mega Audino is coming for a Pokemon Go raid day on April 5th! Get updated Pokemon Go raid counters and remote raids on the Pokebattler Raid Party app!
Shadow Raids are here! Get your Shadow Regice and Shadow Mewtwo counters ready!
In Depth Pokemon Go Articles
News And Research Available Nowhere ElseKyurem White Raid Guide

Download full size infograph here. Kyurem Fusions are here! It’s going to be a top counter in its type, so get as much energy as you can! Dragon, steel, occasional fighter, both Black and White Kyurem can be taken down with similar teams! Go to the official counters page for a complete list including Shadows and Megas […]
Kyurem Black Raid Guide
Download full size infograph here. Kyurem Fusions are here! It’s going to be a top counter in its type, so get as much energy as you can! Dragon, steel, occasional fighter, both Black and White Kyurem can be taken down with similar teams! Go to the official counters page for a complete list including Shadows and Megas […]
Hoopa Unbound Raid Guide

Download full size infograph here. Hoopa is back for a moment again! It’s a decent raid attacker, but won’t see much action in PvP. Bugs? Just use bugs. It’s typing makes it double allergic to bug attacks, so even a generally weak typing like bug gets to shine here! Go to the official counters page for a […]
Shadow Regirock raid guide

Download full size inforgraph here. Shadow Regirock has arrived! It’s too big for great league, and not the best for raids, but maybe you like it, and want to use it in ultra league? Gotta catch em all! Necrozma is a top counter, and the Dawn version shines in party power mode, trade for them […]
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